Bismillah Irrehman Nir-Rahim
(In the Name of Allah! The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful)

Here a question arises in many peoples minds that how Islam is growing in the world. Does Islam is spreading through the sword, or any Black Magic involve in spreading of Islam, what makes Islam so popular among Non-Muslim's that they are coming towards Islam. 

Let's Find Out the Reasons Behind Islam Popularity: 

Muslim population growth refers to the topic of population growth of the global Muslim community. In 2006, countries with a Muslim majority had an average population growth rate of 1.8% per year (when weighted by percentage Muslim and population size). This compares with a world population growth rate of 1.12% per year. As of 2011, it is predicted that the world's Muslim population will grow twice as fast as non-Muslims over the next 20 years. By 2030, Muslims will make up more than a quarter of the global population.

What is Islam?

Islam is a religion founded and based on faith in one supreme God, Allah.
Come to Islam
The God sends the message of Peace to Mankind through Islam. Islam means Peace and it also means submit your will to God/Allah(swt). Every follower of Islam believes in this central doctrine and in Prophet Muhammad being the last messenger of God. The Quran, the holy book of the religion is a compilation of all of God's revelations to the Prophet. God revealed his message to the Prophet Muhammad through the archangel Gabriel, about the oneness of God, how to worship him and the perfected way of life. Therefore, the Quran is considered the unchanged word of God and the constitution and the guide for Muslims in this life.

From the time to time Allah/God had sent his messengers to mankind to spread the message of Islam from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). The revelations of God message has ended up on the last Prophet of Islam called Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). From the time to time Allah has sent his messengers, that are well known to mankind are Prophet Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad(peace be upon them all)

How Allah/God sent his message to Mankind:

Allah sent Prophets and Messengers to every generation to guide mankind astraight, away from polytheistic and pagan disbelief, returning back to the straight path, that of worshiping God alone and establishing the laws of the Creator and his Prophets and Messengers, in order to bring about an upright and moral society 'divinely guided' by the Perfect One. 

The unique way, of sending a message to all Messengers, was through Angle Ismail/Gabriel(as). Allah(swt) revealed Holy words/signs/books to these messengers.

The Holy Books Mentioned in Quran are:
  • Torah/Pentateuch:               Revealed to Prophet Musa/Moses (as)
  • Zaboor /Psalms:                   Revealed to Prophet Dawood/David (as) 
  • Injeel/Bible:                          Revealed to Prophet Isa/Jesus (as)
  • Quran:                                  Revealed to Prophet Muhammad(saw) 

People Behavior against Islam:

Following September 11, 2001 attacks on World Trade Center,  the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported a 1,700 percent increase of hate crimes against Muslim Americans between 2000 to 2001 (Anderson, 2002).
Regent park Mosque
People hate Islam
During the process of adjusting to the aftermath of September 11, Muslim Americans faced an upsurge in negative stereotypes expressed by the larger society (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 2003; Cassel, 2006) and Muslim immigrants, more than any other immigrant group, were met with negative attitudes (Council of American Islamic Relations, 2003; Saroglou & Galand, 2004). Since then, increased racial and religious animosity has left Arabs, Middle Easterners, Muslims, and those who bear stereotyped physical resemblance to members of these groups, fearful of potential hatred and hostility from persons of other cultures (Abu-Ras & Suarez, 2009; Baqi-Aziz, 2001; Kira et al., 2010; Rippy & Newman, 2006)

Despite negative stereotypes of Muslims reported in the media, little psychological research has been conducted to characterize non-Muslim attitudes toward Muslim Americans. One study was published exploring negative attitudes toward Arabs, whereas none has been conducted regarding Muslims (Sergent, Woods, & Sedlacek, 1992). Research focusing on Islamophobia, a dread or hatred of Islam, has been conducted in Europe where a survey in the United Kingdom indicated that discrimination against Muslims has increased in recent years (Sheridan, 2006).

What People Realize about Islam against their Hate:

Like a lot of other people in the haze and confusion of the 9/11 attacks, Johannah Segarich asked herself: "What kind of religion is this that could inspire people to do this?" She had studied other religions, but never Islam.
Women Love for Islam
Reverted Muslims
So she bought a copy of the Quran, wondering if her notions of Islam as a patriarchal and now seemingly violent religion, would be confirmed. Then she got to the first chapter, with its seven-line message about seeking guidance from a merciful creator. She finished the Quran a few weeks later, then started reading it again. About half way through, barely 10 weeks after 9/11, "I came to the realization," she said, "that I had a decision to make." Segarich began studying Islam more intensely, and within a few months, the Utah-born music instructor made her Islamic declaration of faith or shahada, at the Islamic Society of Boston in Cambridge.

Indeed, it seems counter intuitive that Americans would consider joining a religion that many associate with terrorism and violence -- especially after 9/11. But there are more than a few people like Segarich who, compelled by curiosity, became converts. The majority of post-9/11 converts are women, according to experts. Hispanics and African-Americans, who were already converting well before 9/11, are the most common ethnic groups to convert.

Some conversions make headlines, such as Yvonne Ridley, a British journalist who converted in 2003 after being held captive by Taliban; Lauren Booth, the sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair; or the rapper known as Loon, who converted last year.

The Hate Formula against Islam had worked for Islam:

Allah said in the Holy Quran: 

They Plan and plotted

And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.

It is a fact that Islam is growing rapidly in the West. In the U.S. alone the number of Muslims has risen dramatically, from about 10,000 in 1900 to 3 million or more in 1991 (some authorities say 4.5 million). Most of this growth is due to recent immigration and the high birth rate of Muslims (5 children per family on average), rather than to conversion. Still, the number of those who convert to Islam is significant. In the U.S., the majority are African-American (a third of all Muslims according to most authorities), but there have also been significant numbers of Anglos to convert as well, many of them well-educated. 

What is motivating people to turn to Islam? A recent article in Christianity Today (Aug 20,1990) reported that in the U.S., the average age of those converting to Islam (31) is about twice that for conversion to Christian faith (age 16). It listed 5 main reasons given for becoming Muslim: Islam's doctrine is simple and rational, all believers are equal, it is a "practical" religion, and lacks a priesthood. I read and clipped the article at the time, but when I recently pulled it out to re-read it, it struck me that those "reasons" merely parrot the arguments Muslim apologists use to propagate Islam. On reflection, I would say that all that they show is that Muslim apologetics is having some effect, but these are not necessarily what is motivating Americans to become Muslim.


The Hate Propaganda created against ISLAM had worked for Islam, Allah(swt) knows its creation where can he go wrong. So Allah has already mentioned in Quran "But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners". From the above article we can assume that God is unique and also his religion to establish Peace for Mankind i.e; ISLAM
