Different ways of doing Dawah
All praise is due to Allaah who expressed the highest praise for the “caller” to his religion saying:
“And who is better in speech than one who calls to Allaah and works righteousness and says: ‘Surely I am of the Muslims.’ ” (Glorious Quran, 41: 33).
And the Prophet (PBUH ) said,
“For Allaah to guide someone by your hand is better for you than anything this world contains.” (Sahih Al Bukhari, vol. 4, pp. 156-7, no. 253.)
Since people are often at a loss as to how they should go about giving da‘wah, and use their ignorance as an excuse not to do anything, the following list of more than eighty suggestions ( all suggestions will be posted in short parts In Sha Allah.) have been compiled from among the many possible ways to give da‘wah in order to make the way easier:
Dawah At Home:
1. Household library. Prepare a collection of books, magazines and tapes according to what is suitable for the various age groups (with consideration of what are suitable for all the members of the family).
2. Posters. Make a bulletin board for the home on which announcements for Islaamic lectures and events can be posted in order to remind the family of important events and lectures.
3. Family lessons. Read from a book, listen to a tape or memorize a portion from the Qur’aan and hadeeth together as a group.
4. Family Competitions. Engage family members in Islaamic competitions and maybe the prize is writing the winner’s name on the honor roll in the house).
5. Family Magazine. Create a family magazine by having family members participate writing essays or in cutting articles and pictures related to Islaam from the magazines and newspapers which you bring home.
6. Participation in Islaamic Social Work. Have your brother or son accompany you to the prayers, lectures or to visit a sick person or a scholar or the offices of Da‘wah.
7. Righteous Acts in Public. Do some righteous acts in front of the family, such as prayer, reading Qur’aan and giving charity, as an example for them to learn from.
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